Trigg Summs

A Web

My Projects   Click to Hire   Resume
always tinkering with Tech

Im a Full Stack Developer and recent graduate from Nashville Software School (Cohort 41, Nov 2020)!
I have always enjoyed investigating new systems, exploring their tools and unlocking their capabilities! Programming accommodates off of my passion for art as well as my interest in computer science. As a Sewanee University (Graduate of '15) and Nashville Software School('C41) graduate, I am excited to enter the field of Web Development and look forward to learning more in the professional world. My professional experience and the NSS team projects have shown me the importance of teamwork, integrity, and determination. I hope to hone my programming abilities and advance my career, and currently, I am searching for the right opportunity.
If these values align with your mission, please reach out!

Tech Stack Focus

A Collection of a few...



DR.Teeth's Tabloid

(First BackEnd Group Project):

  • +Saving a users favorite Blogs, Authors, info...
  • +Stack: Command line app in C# paired with & SQL
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    Capture The Distance

    (React Native/ MONGODB-Express):

  • + built to track, trace, and record a users physical location and offer the user a catalog of their entries.
  • +Full Stack: ReactNative, MongoDB, ExpressAPI, etc

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    Martin's Aquarium


  • +An aquarium built for a very "flakey" client!
  • +Stack: HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT... SKETCHBOARD(Heavy focus on Class's)
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    Nations Grill


  • +Management of employees, patrons, managers and more!...
  • +Stack: First trial app built with React.js and json server
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    Nutshell v2: Almond

    (FrontEnd: Group Project):

  • +The real deal, an app providing a social platform and several management tools
  • +Stack: Second version of the application, this time using React.js and json server
  • I'm a Full Stack software developer with concrete experience in an agile team driven work enviorment.
    Currently Available for Hire or Questions

    Get in Touch

    Currently Residing in the West Side of

    Nashville, TN

    *During Business Hours:

    Reach out via. (931)-319-9032